Users of WhatsApp will soon have the option to manage their online presence, leave groups invisibly, and more: Every Detail

Kutl Ahmedia

New privacy capabilities for WhatsApp have been revealed, giving users "greater control over their chats and increased levels of safety when texting," according to the company. The three new privacy features include the ability to leave group chats privately, the ability to choose who may see when you're online, and the ability to stop screenshots from appearing in messages. The company, which is owned by Meta, announced that it is also launching a campaign to inform consumers about the new features. Other privacy features offered by WhatsApp already exist, such as end-to-end encrypted calling and messaging for both private and professional use.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Meta, revealed that WhatsApp is introducing three new privacy features for users: the ability to leave group chats without informing anybody, the ability to choose who can see when you're available, and the ability to avoid screenshots on view-only messages. According to Zuckerberg, "We'll keep developing new ways to protect your messages and keep them as private and secure as face-to-face chats." Both iOS and Android users can access the privacy options.

Leave Groups Quietly: With the exception of the admins, this feature enables users to quietly leave a group. Currently, when you leave a group, a bubble stating "[your name/number] left" appears in front of everyone in the group. This month, the feature will begin to go out to all users.
Choose Who May View Your Online Status: WhatsApp is adding a feature that will let users choose who can and cannot view their online status. Particularly when you want to check your messages in private, this option is helpful. For instance, you've received texts from several pals asking you about a weekend plan, but you haven't made up your mind and haven't replied. Your pals will be able to see that you are "Online" and not responding when you check other messages on WhatsApp, which will essentially put you in a tricky situation.

You can maintain the privacy of your online presence using the most recent WhatsApp feature. This month, it will begin to go out to all users.
Screenshot blocking for messages using the "View Once" option: This function essentially extends WhatsApp's "View Once" option. Even when the "View Once" feature on their phones is turned on, people typically try to record their discussions. Users frequently snap screenshots because the "View Once" option disallows a permanent digital record. For an additional degree of security, the new feature enables screenshot blocking for "View Once" messages. The feature is being evaluated and will shortly be made available to users.
In order to demonstrate the success of these new privacy features, WhatsApp reported that while more than 47% of individuals only feel comfortable speaking candidly and unfilteredly in a safe, private setting, 72% of people enjoy the ability to do so. In comparison to emails, texts, or social media, "they are extremely careful online, ranking privacy in their private communications as most important," WhatsApp claimed. The study also found that 91 percent of those who are aware of blocking features think they are crucial, and 51 percent want to remain anonymous online so they may pick who they want to communicate with.

The existing security measures provided by WhatsApp are supplemented by these new privacy features. The platform features end-to-end default protection for calls and messages, self-destructing disappearing messages, end-to-end encrypted backups for saving your chat history, two-step authentication for further security, and the option to ban and report abusive chats.

WhatsApp also announced that it is starting a campaign to inform users of the new features. Ami Vora, Head of Product at WhatsApp, stated, " raise awareness of these new capabilities, we're also launching a global campaign, starting with the UK and India, to educate people about how we work to secure their private chats on WhatsApp.

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