What to photograph in the night sky in March 2023 for astronomy

Kutl Ahmedia

Don't waste any time; the best moment to picture the solar system is in March 2023. Venus and Jupiter, the two brightest planets in the night sky, will appear to pass so near to one another at the beginning of the month that it will be possible to capture both with a long lens. And, as seen from the northern hemisphere, it's a post-sunset occurrence that starts off relatively high in the sky at night before dropping lower in the southwestern sky. Because of this, it is ideal for framing beside trees, mountains, or structures that are close to the horizon.

The northern lights can sometimes be at their most intense in March, which is also the last month until September when the nights are longer than the days. March 2023 will have a lot to offer sky photographers, especially when you consider the stunning views of a crescent moon and the rising of a full "Worm Moon."

March 1: Venus and Jupiter are in opposition.
A conjunction occurs when two planets appear to pass close to one another when viewed from Earth. It's referred to be an appulse when it's really close. When the "Evening Star" and the gas giant appear to be within barely half a degree of one another tonight, that is what happens. They are at their nearest for several years at that distance, which is less than half the breadth of the full moon. It happens every year, but in 2023 it will be really exceptional because Venus will be glowing much brighter than Jupiter. Try a few seconds at ISO 200 to 400 with the lens at f/2.8 to f/4. Use different lenses for different effects.

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